16 janv. 2025

Hello my lovely ppl x

I am very sorry for disappearing lately! i wasn’t in the good condition or let’s say motivation. Its unfortunately calls a reality when u have the other important things to handle and when afterwards is all come in once  we are as a human being getting lost in that full of mess, trying to handle every difficulty, in the end just having a mental broke , tiredness and all the awful struggles. 

But here i am , telling as it is without any shame  fellings.

Not asking for a pity but for an understanding that in each social industry people may become overwhelmed. 

But indeed the life challenging is a reality of experiences. I am with all my heart will try keep going and share some moments in DMs with you my lovely sunshines. I will post as often as is possible. I appreciate each one who is still here with me , curious about me and my life. I am willing be there for you aswell x if i may ofcourse 😏 

Have a wonderful winter everyone ❀ 

Sincerely,  your Lia Swan 🩱


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 Lia Swan